The opportunities for the UK presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution are considerable and wide ranging. The direction is clear, but the path is sometimes obscured by a lack of accurate information about potential and by a lack of imagination to fulfil the vision. Industry, being dependent on investment, social and commercial constraints, moves along at different speeds and incorporates several different elements – some technologically advanced and some not – in the same facility. Whereas integration of automation implies a unity of systems as well as purpose, the reality does not always live up to the practicalities, let alone the dreams. That is where Government guidance and investment can help with the assistance and approbation of industry associations and research groups.
Britain pioneered the first industrial revolution, bringing with it significant social and economic change. As the ninth largest manufacturing country by output, Britain has the potential to be a leader in 4IR, Lorraine During, Business Environment Policy Advisor, EEF points out.
For more information refer to : https://www.industry40summit.com/